Bat Removal
Marietta, Ga

Bats Roosting in Attic Ceiling

Eradication & Prevention of Bat Infestations

Dixie Exterminators offer a holistic solution to bat infestations in Marietta, involving the eviction of bats and installation of barriers to prevent their return. Our dedicated wildlife team focuses on exclusion techniques, effectively locating and sealing off bat entry points such as roof gaps, vents, and gable openings. Additionally, bats often soil insulating materials with their droppings or guano, and our service encompasses cleaning of the affected areas and replacement of the damaged insulation.

Issues Associated with Bat Colonies in Marietta, Georgia

The principal problem associated with bats in Marietta pertains to their colonies. Large bat colonies not only cause noise disturbances and unsettling visuals during dusk and dawn, but they also create health hazards with their accumulated droppings and urine. Over time, large quantities of droppings collect, emanating unpleasant smells and encouraging fungal spore growth, which can lead to Histoplasmosis, a serious lung disease, upon inhalation. If you're facing bat infestations in Marietta, contact us for comprehensive bat removal, containment, and cleanup services.

An Overview of Bats

Belonging to the order Chiroptera, bats are the only mammals capable of genuine, sustained flight due to their webbed forelimbs, which act as wings. There are around 1,100 known bat species globally, which constitute roughly 20% of all identified mammal species. About 70% of bats are insect-eaters, with the majority of the rest being fruit eaters or frugivores. A minority of species consume animals other than insects. Bats are found across the globe, playing crucial roles in ecosystems, such as pollinating flowers and dispersing fruit seeds. A significant number of tropical plant species are entirely dependent on bats for seed distribution.

Bat Flying in an Attic

Bat Reproduction Cycle

Bat species living in temperate climates typically breed during spring. Depending on the species and environmental conditions such as food and shelter availability, bats may bear one to three litters each season. Most bats are nocturnal, spending their day sleeping, grooming, and resting, and foraging at night. The diet of bats predominantly includes insects, fruits and flower nectar, vertebrates, and in some cases, blood. Almost three-fourths of bat species worldwide consume insects, both flying and ground-based. Each bat can consume insects equivalent to one-third of its body weight in a night, which could amount to several hundred insects in just a few hours. Thus, a colony of a thousand bats could consume up to four tons of insects annually.

Reach Out for Bat Eradication Services in Marietta

If bats have invaded your home, we are here to help. Contact us today for efficient bat removal services!
